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Soul Synergy Package

  • 2Days
  • 2Steps


Ready to embark on a profound journey of self-discovery? Join me for a transformative Soul Contract Reading where we'll explore the Spiritual Map of Your Life. What's a Soul Contract Reading? A birth chart reading using your birth name, that is a deeply insightful exploration that deciphers the blueprint of your life using numerology, astrology, and tarot. By analyzing your birth name, we unveil the hidden energies shaping your reality and reveal your true purpose. What to Expect: - Discover the specific energies influencing your life's path. - Gain clarity on manifesting your dreams and overcoming challenges. - Learn strategies to nurture fulfilling relationships and express your talents authentically. What You'll Need: Simply submit your birth name and date via this form to kick-start your journey. What's a Relationship Reading? Elevate your journey with Relationship Readings. Provide up to four names, including common names if birth names aren't available, and we'll uncover the soul contracts guiding your interactions. And together uncover ways to uncover dynamics of the relationships, and gain insights on other important people in your life. After Each Session: Receive a comprehensive document summarizing our session and a recording for future reference. I'm excited to embark on this transformative journey with you!

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